
1. How much is shipping?
We charge $5.95 for United States orders and $9.95 for international orders.

2. Do you ship internationally?

Yes. We ship worldwide. Delivery time for international orders is estimated at 7-15 business days.

3. How do I track my package?
The tracking number will be sent to you when the order is shipped. You can reach out to our customer support team for the detailed tracking number by sending email to

4. How long does it take for an order to arrive?
This depends on the product ordered. Most of our t-shirts and apparel products are printed on demand. It typically takes only 2-4 business days to process orders. Once shipped, your order will arrive within 3-5 business days (business days don't include weekend). In some cases like holiday or bad weather..., there may be the delay in delivery. You’ll receive an email & tracking number when your order has shipped. If you don't receive tracking email after 10 business days since the purchase, just send email us. We're happy to help.